(May 5 – 13, 2019) I believe when more people walk in nature, our world becomes more peaceful. Visiting the parks and hiking alone, I often think about family and friends. I wish I could share my experiences with them. Everyone has own life plan and travel style. If I wait for perfection, nothing will happen. So far, Nature has given me “Many Wows” at sea and on land. The beauties of nature sometimes bring me to tears.
“Fruita Campground” in the Capitol Reef Park is surrounded by orchards: Apricots, Apple, Peach, and Pear. During the harvest, visitors can pick them and eat at the site for free. I was here a little early for the harvest. Apricots will be in season maybe in Mid-June? When walking by the Orchards after every dinner, I watched them growing and silently spoke to them.
There are a variety of hiking trails in the park. I was often a solo hiker on some of the trails. One day, I met a couple from Los Angeles on a trail. I found later Tom is a dentist and has no intention to retire. They just like to adjust their work schedules whenever they want to travel. They gave me some information for my next destination. It let me find the best campground site at my next stop.
During my 8 nights of staying at Capitol Reef, I drove twice to take a shower, 11 miles to the town “Torrey”. There is a general store in Torrey. One day in the store, I indulged with a “Hot Dog” with Jalapeno Pepper Pickle and bought some over-priced groceries. My recent quick meal option has been “Avocado and Parmesan Cheese Sandwich with Dijon Mustard”. They stay long enough without refrigeration. On Saturdays, there is a Farmer’s Market in town. I bought a dozen fresh eggs from an old man. It looked he previously had a stroke. He couldn’t speak much. Not having refrigeration, I boiled a dozen eggs and gave some to my neighboring camper. In the park, I frequently enjoyed eating “Pies” selling from a historic site built by the Mormon Pioneers. My best one was “Apple Pie”. One day, I was eating my pie on a bench, a guy asked me a permission take a picture of me eating pie. I kindly declined his request. Somehow, I don’t like people take a picture of me eating. 🙁