On January 18, 2022, the winds were forecasted right for sailing, we changed our original plan and sailed from Baja California to San Carlos, the Mainland Mexico side. The reason is to see our friends from Florida. We met them five years ago in Bermuda so we don’t want to miss the opportunity. Grab the opportunity of meeting friends whenever we can as the future is unknown.
The sea water temperature has been around 68f (=20c) degree. We hadn’t seen much fish but lots of micro lives in the water. I say the sea water looks soupy with organisms. When it is calm at night, any movement in the water creates bioluminescence. Our night sailing started with a full moon and stars above and bright blue bioluminescence below, gliding on the water. Later, winds picked up. Perfect angle in a calm sea until we were close to the destination, San Carlos. It was the best sailing in two COVID years, a AAA journey!
Meeting friends chitchatting, we became kids. Time just moved so fast. It was nice talking with old friends. Our friends were very sensitive with COVID. They avoid any COVID risks. Knowing that, we practiced our movement with caution so we avoid exposing at COVID risk as well. Our friends drove their vehicle for us. When we are alone, we took taxis not buses. However, even with all the cautions, John got COVID. How he got it? Unknown… Maybe from a dental office or a doctor’s office as he visited both places? Later, I got same symptoms as John. Three days after, I took a COVID test, negative. Both of our friends got sick. We were told one of our friends test result shows in the middle in between positive and negative but close to positive…
So, we got lots of things to do but we stopped our normal life at this moment, just staying on the boat eating, sleeping, reading, and etc… Being sick no fun. We worry about our friends. We keep hoping nothing serious happens to them.