(January 15, 2021) We are back to the marina. A month long get-away in Las Perlas, was a reboot of our dreams which were fading during this COVID lockdown. Most of the islands/countries in South Pacific and New Zealand are still closed. Now, we know where to sail this year. It is going to be the Sea of Cortez/Baja California in Mexico. We thought about sailing to Chile from Panama but it is extremely challenging and a long way to go for an unknown reception.
Again, Panama announced extending Lockdowns until March 15th, 2021. In this province, we have a complete weekend lockdown from 9pm Friday to 4am Monday. Women’s grocery shopping days are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Men are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
With a month of sailing in Las Perlas, we ran out of fruits and veggies. My total cash spending for a month was $15 ($10 for lobsters and $5 for bananas from island people). The only produce I have now, are one onion, some carrots, and lots of garlic.
We received a shipment of 6 boxes from the United States containing lots of miscellaneous items (boat parts, chemicals for painting, wire, wood veneer, an anchor shank, and etc.) John went nuts on flashlights, and we now have more LED flashlights than room to keep them. He says it is a guy thing. Current plan is departing in February