We have postponed our sailing to French Polynesia until next year.
The best time to sail from Panama to French Polynesia is from February to June. As of right now, many borders and airports are still closed. Our six-month visas will be running out in two-three months as well. Panama only allows foreigners to rent a car for the first 90 days of their stay in the country. We have been here for more than 90 days. So, what do we do next? Don’t know.
In order to control the COVID-19 infection, Panama detailed a step by step opening plan: from Phase 1 (Block 1) to Phase 6. Starting June 1st, Panama moved from Phase 1 (Daily 24 hour curfew) to Phase 2 (only 10 hour curfew from 7pm to 5am). That lasted only five days. As the authorities grew worried about having more people infected, it changed back to Phase 1. We are back to the 24 hour curfew and two-hour gender-specific days for grocery shopping: Men on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays and women on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, based on ID numbers. We really liked having that tiny bit of freedom last week. It let us take a taxi TOGETHER for grocery shopping. Now, only one of us can go to the store, and only on different days. Back to zero!!!
In the meantime, we polish the boat. It has gotten very shiny. Exercise keeps me up-lifted. I do walk in the marina/golf community frequently. On lucky days, I find mangoes and coconuts during the walk. I have been lucky.

Currently, we are in Phase 1.
Phase 1: E-Commerce, Car Repair Shops, Technical Services, Small Scale Fishing
Phase 2: Construction, Mining, Industry, Churches and Parks Capacity of 25%
Phase 3: Non-essential Retail, Non-essential Wholesale, Car Dealerships, Professional Services, Administrative Services, Private Construction
Phase 4: Air Flights, Hotels, Restaurants
Phase 5: Education, Leisure Transportation, Sports Leagues, Entertainment, Bars
Phase 6: All Sectors, Concerts, Fairs, Carnivals, Clubs