Entering New York Harbor

New York Public Library: the Library’s marble lions acquired their nicknames, Patience and Fortitude in the 1940s.
I previously visited New York City multiple times but always rushed through during prior trips. This time, I was able to enjoy NYC for three weeks staying on our sailboat at the Liberty State Park Anchorage (Click here for the Details) in New Jersey side, across from lower Manhattan. The Liberty State Park is where what used to be ‘the Central Railroad of New Jersey Terminal’ (CRRNJ) and where it transported goods from the ships and new immigrants to all over the nation.

Summer Streets Day: On the first three consecutive Saturdays in August, nearly seven miles of New York City’s streets are opened to the public to play, run, walk and bike.
By staying on a sailboat behind of the Statue of Liberty, I gazed at the bright light of Lady Green (Statue of Liberty) days and nights. Three weeks in NYC let me see lots of NYC and comfortably adapt to the NYC Public transportation (Subway, Bus, Ferries, and Bike Trails). I would say the quicker you learn how the public transportation works in NYC, the easier and the more you discover in NYC.
My Travel Tips in NYC
• Buy a MTA Subway card (US$1, good for NYC bus and subway and New Jersey Transfer system) and initially charge with US$20 and on-demand refill after, whatever amount you plan to use
• Divide areas by Lower Manhattan/Wall Street, Mid-Manhattan/Times Square, and Upper Manhattan/Central Park. Then, visit the places in each area (Lower, Mid, and Upper) based your time
• Start the day early so you can see more comfortably before the tourists come out
• If you have time, on your first day, take Number 5 bus (South Bound on 5th Avenue from upper Manhattan to lower Manhattan and North Bound on 6th Avenue from Lower Manhattan to upper Manhattan) to acquire a general idea about NYC and public bus system
• Before you swipe your subway card (MTA Card), make sure which direction you are going (uptown or downtown)
• Get some fruits or snack, take a break at a park, and watch people. There are many movable tables and chairs available in the parks and rest places throughout the city.
• If you are adventurous, take/rent a bike and ride Hudson River Bike Trail. Bike Trails are well developed in NYC. Obey the Bike Law and ignore those who break the law so you don’t get stress.
• Get maps handy (I carried five different printed maps: City, Subway, Bus, Bike Trail, New Jersey Transfer/Path Maps)
• Get free ‘Timeout’ booklet (Timeout.com) and free NYCMonthly booklet (NYCMonthly.com)
• Wear comfortable walking shoes
• If time allows, visit Brooklyn Bridge/Park, Corona Park in Queens, and Liberty State Park in Jersey City in New Jersey

New York State Pavilion/World’s fair pavilion in 1964 in Corona Park, Queens, New York: Later, also used for movie sets, such as Men in Black and the centerpiece for the Stark Expo in Iron Man 2.

Opening Celebration of Westfield in Oculus (Word Definition: Eyelike opening or a circular window): Hub of Wall Street Subway and World Trade Center

Quiet New York Stock Exchange Building (Left) and Federal Hall Building (Center) on Early Morning on Weekend

Central Railroad of New Jersey Terminal (CRRNJ): Less Crowded Ferry Service from New Jersey Side to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty

Tables and Chairs in NYC: There are many movable tables and chairs available in the parks and rest places throughout the city.
My Favorite Places in NYC
—Downtown Area (Lower Manhattan)—
• One World Observation Center (US$37: Ticket US$34 plus extra fee US$3 for same day ticket purchase)
• Ground Zero One/9-11 Memorial Center
• Ellis Island and Statue of the Liberty (US$18 from New Jersey Side for Ferry and Park Visit)
• Trinity Church
• Battery Park
• Wall Street
• Federal Hall (Free)
• Bowling Green Charging Bull
• Westfield Shopping Place (in WTC Subway Hub/Oculus)
• Brookfield Shopping Place
• Staten Island Ferry (Free)
• China Town
• Little Italy
—Midtown Area (Empire State/Times Square)—
• Times Square (Named after the New York Times moved its headquarters there.)
• Bryant Park (My favorite park in NYC!)
• New York City Public Library (My favorite place in NYC! Take free audio tour.)
• Grand Central Station (Great Internet Speed in Apple Store)
• Korea Town (I liked ‘Woorijip’ Korean restaurant where I can buy food by weight.)
• Empire State Building
• High Line Park (Midtown to Lower Manhattan)
—Uptown Area (Central Park and Beyond)—
• Central Park
• Columbia University
• American Museum of Natural History
• Harlem
—Other Places in New York City—
• Unisphere and Citi Field in Corona Park in Queens
• Brooklyn Bridge and Park in Brooklyn
• Liberty State Park in Jersey City, New Jersey (Take a Ferry from Lower Manhattan, US$7/one way)
• Staten Island