The ‘Moon’ Panama travel guide book is correct. ‘Coco Bandero Islands are stunningly beautiful!’ It is the most gorgeous set of islands I have ever visited.
We are in the East Anchorage of the Coco Bandero Islands in the middle of four islands. It is easy to swim or kayak from the boat to the islands. The sun shines much better here than those islands close to the mainland, water is clear, and no bugs.
Many charter sailboats stay here one night or a couple of nights. It seems it is somewhat easy to visit this place. (Check ‘Moon’ Travel Guide Book) When you visit Coco Bandero Islands, go to a small island (Warsopguadup) and enjoy solitude surrounded by sun and sea.

Fresh Water Spring in Coco Bandero Cays: We saw a Guna family go there and wash themselves in the afternoon.
PS: We are happy to say ‘Good-Bye’ to my cat ‘Sesame’ in Coco Bandero Islands. For the last one month or so, she struggled with ‘Breast Cancer’. We found small dot size lumps on her breasts about four months ago while staying in Santa Marta, Colombia. We took her to a veterinarian and agreed with the doctor not to have surgery because she is old (15 years) and all exam results came out good except cancer. The veterinarian advised us to give her as much more love and let her live happily for her remaining life. It worked well until the last six weeks.
It was painful watching the process of her illness to her death. On January 5th, 2016 at 3am, she passed away while I gently stroked her and singing ‘Ten Little Indians’ song for her. It is the song that I sang every morning before I gave her several spoonfuls of canned tuna water. I believe she ended her life with a happy song and love.
We found a beautiful place to bury her on one of the Islands. She and I know we love each other. That’s all that matters. ‘Good-Bye Sesame…’ (***For her remembrance, John and I decided to pick up garbage on an island and burn it whenever and wherever we can. As many pennies can be a million dollars, small good deeds from each and every one of us will keep our islands clean and lovely.)